Doubled up second hand..and has since played all but 1 hand.
I'm out.
Jacks vs A2os.......turned trips :(
Bring on the .20c!
Out. Queen's cracked by A8 and then shoved KK into AA cause I've got mad skillz.
Still in
Currently 1008 of 2903 average stack is $2468 I have $2515
w00t. set can't outrace OESED and I'm crippled (but not out)
Whoops..was down to 80 chips, up to 640 now. And out...doubled up once more before losing a race.
Out now.
Bluffed at a board of 556 one heart with KJh. Villian thought for 10 seconds and called with A7o and it held up.
This is going to be harder than I thought. Allin preflop AK vs 88 vs 108. I caught the A but you can guess what also fell.
didn't know this thread was active
I'm still in the 20c one and the $5 one
stars name: doverben4
moose I think you are at my table in the $5 tourney
edit: make that were at my table
Out of $5. Lost a race vs. a guy who over played his hand.
I think this would be easier if I wasn't strictly a cash game player.
Damn. Out of the 20c one. All in on the turn 3 way with trips against JJ and 9 high flush draw I think on a 3 to a flush board. River completes both of their flushes. gg me.
Still alive at the break sitting 48/405
Out of all 3.
Out of all 3 as well. Good luck to the remaining ones.
no points
Busto in the freeroll and $0.20 ... 40th for 30 points in the $5.50. I'll take it (and the staggering $2.40 net profit on the night ... that's $0.80/hr!), but multiple top-3 finishes in the cash tournies will almost certainly be required to make the team.
Canadian players outnumbered Uruguayans about 7-8 to 1 in the $5.50. Only one Uruguayan made the top 25 (13th). The structure certainly gives Canada (and the U.S.) a cakewalk to the final.
Not sure about the rest of the crew, but I'm reg'd for all three tonight. I can only play in half the tourneys each week because I work until 10, so I'll have to make them count.
So far so good in the freeroll. 2nd hand, 67c, guy makes it 60 to go, I call, 3 others call. Flop Ad6d7h. SB bets out for 80, two callers including original raiser, I make it 300. SB and OR call. 6s on the turn. SB bets 40, OR makes it 400, I shove, both call. One had A10o, one A8o and I tripled up :)
And the freeroll is done. QQ<89o all in. Hits his straight on the river.