Online Poker at Full Tilt Poker - Download: New Client Software Preview
Just downloaded it and I must say it is awesome! Tonnes and tonnes of filters, finally!!
You can filter cash games just like on stars, as well as sngs, tourneys, etc...
Haven't we been able to do this for a long time? I ahve used the filter for sng's for some time now..or is this a new thing for cash games?
New thing for cash games, I've been waiting for this for quite a while! It's much easier to table select now!
yeah the lack of a filter for cash games has been quite annoying. finally they've decided to add it. i'll probably download the beta this afternoon and give it a try.
EDIT: just out of curiousity, is this like a "use at your own risk" sort of thing? for example, i'm playing some tournament, make the final table, then bam, the software fizzles out because of some beta glitch and i lose out of the tournament (sounds plausible :P).
lol surprisingly it's running great, better than when I was forced to update my full tilt. I've experienced absolutely no problems with it!
I'll wait til they force me to auto update :D
GTA Poker
I've lost $150+ in frozen hu sngs since the last update and am still waiting )it's been a week) for a response from support.
they have also lost the big game players, like where did gus,durr and those guys go???, ever since the updates they have disappeared