pokerJAH;193786 wrote For a $215 prize, I would never fold AA pre-flop.... Would I push with 23off in a $0.50 tournament....
It is a no-brainer for me to try to make the correct poker decision, whether it is a 50ยข game, a $11 unlimited rebuy, or the WSOP Main Event. In this case, if folding had a higher $EV than re-raising all-in with AA, then I would gladly fold AA. Unfortunately, I don't know of an ICM calculator that can handle 15 paid spots and more than one table to check the $EV (as smartly mentioned by ReefAquarium).
I am getting ~85% equity with AA against villain's range. If my chances of outlasting the three shorter stacks are greater than 85%, then I would fold AA. As mentioned by 88Fingers, another factor is the possibility of getting more than one caller (e.g., there are two players with 2.5-3.5x times my chips who can afford to call if they think they have a good enough hand), so my equity would drop down below what is required to make it +$EV compared to folding. In hindsight, I should have folded the best hand in poker.
However, with my remaining time bank beeping, I had to go with my "gut feeling" :redface: at the time. I went all-in, villain called with
:kh :8h
I have 83% equity. I was screaming "Hold! Hold! Hold!" like in
Braveheart. Flop is safe with
:10d :qh :5d
I now have 92% equity. I will double up to over 44,000 chips and be safe with the satellite prize - unless he gets runner-runner.
for the runner-runner straight. :rage:
Did I say that online poker is not rigged?!