GTA Poker I can no longer observe previous hands in the viewer -- it is just a black and white empty table -- help!
GTA Poker Apparently nothing is working after the new upgrade -- Problems with FT's new software - Two Plus Two Poker Forum meh
jdAA88 Argh this sucks! I had a really nice Deuces Cracked Table/Card mod which isn't working full tilt!?
philliivey i got a i had to download a newer adobe for it to work, did not do it so i can't tell ya if it will work.
Graham philliivey;192655 wrotei got a i had to download a newer adobe for it to work, did not do it so i can't tell ya if it will work. What? It told you you needed adobe for the FTP software to work?
GTA Poker just got home and the replayer works now that I installed flashplayer 10 -- new cards are horrible
GTA Poker funny thing is the replayer uses the old/nice deck and the live play uses the new crappy poker type deck
DennisG yeah, replayer still isn't working for me..guess I will look for Flash 10...and cards suck!! -edit- We have to pay for Flash Player 10?? And need that in order to use the hand reviewer?? Time to find a new site methinks.. -edit 2- ok..found it for free...*looking for coffee* Argg...replayer still not working.
philliivey Lol at Full tilt way to f!@# things up, go pay another 40 full tilt pros instead of spending money elsewhere. I called all this a year to year and a half ago btw and everyone thought i was crazy.
jdAA88 Ihaveyourname;192743 wroteyeah, replayer still isn't working for me..guess I will look for Flash 10...and cards suck!! -edit- We have to pay for Flash Player 10?? And need that in order to use the hand reviewer?? Time to find a new site methinks.. -edit 2- ok..found it for free...*looking for coffee* Argg...replayer still not working. I dl'ed Flashplayer 10 and the hand reviewer is now working for me...
DennisG STill isn't working for me JD...I get the gray screen and can't choose hands from the left hand side which I presume is what that is option to replay any hands You have version 10,0,22,87 installed
GTA Poker mine worked yesterday right after down loading 10 -- i'll check again when i get home later
T8urmoney Ihaveyourname;192764 wroteSTill isn't working for me JD...I get the gray screen and can't choose hands from the left hand side which I presume is what that is option to replay any hands ditto for me.....I'll check again when I get home