Game: NLH MTT Live Tourney
Buy-in: $330 (re-entry allowed until first break)
Stacks: Starting stack of $20,000
Level: 4th level (last before re-entry), 100-200
Hero is on the button with :5d:5h, a couple limpers, decide to call to spike a set.
Relevent Stack Sizes preflop: SB = 15,000 MP= $25,000 Hero= $21,000
Flop: (6 players in, 1200 in pot) :2s:5s:9s
Action: Checked to Hero, bets out 500....SB min-raises to 1000, MP call, Hero Calls
Turn: :7c
Action: SB bets out 1000, MP min-raises to 2000, hero's read says he's no good, needs to hit.......calls 2000. SB instantly shoves all-in for $10,000'ish more. MP tanks for a good 5 minutes....obvious he has small flush, and to my surprise, he just calls? Now it's time for Hero to tank.
Pot = $30,000 and change, $10,000 to call
Call or Fold?
1. You should have raised on the button with 55, limpers in a live game are not trapping for the most part, they are limping with junk.
2. I am not looking to play a big pot for almost half my stack knowing that I need to hit to win. In deep stack tournies you can pick better spots.
Silently muck your 55 and watch people flip over 108s and crap like that.....
in this situation I would say fold; you have 10 outs and 36 cards that don't help you. If you had more chips behind, and felt that MP might pay you off if you hit your boat, then a call might be worth it. It hasn't cost you that many chips at this point so why risk your tournament on a draw (given they have already made their flush). Its always hard to fold a set knowing that if you hit one of your outs you win a huge pot. I would rather be on the other side of the coin with the made flush and all my chips in the middle.
Don't tell me, you folded and then hit your boat?
No, didn't fold.....called. MP player with chips left behind, inexplicably flips over his J high flush before the river hits, at which point SB flips his hand over showing the dry A spades.
Board bricks, and I just muck.
I think the one thing that influenced my decision was the re-entry part of the tourney (which had to take advantage of an orbit later). It gave me that little bit of gamble, without getting knocked out.
If it wasn't a re-entry tourney, I believe I would have folded.
With my re-entry, made it down to 3 tables before AQ<AJ (of course).
fyi, sorry, river wasn't brick, it was another spade, so the dry A took it down
I was thinking I made a bad decision, math didn't quite make the numbers I need to call there. Curious to see what others would do in this spot.
this hand is deju vu for me from last Friday; although it was a 1/2 game and on the turn I had a set of Js and there were three clubs on board; I raise to $20 on the turn, other player raises another $40 and shows me the 7c; I'm pretty sure he has the flush already but I don't think he puts me on top set (since I only called a raise pre-flop). I think there was about $100 in the pot and it costs me $40 more to see if I can hit one of my ten outs. I only called because we both had around $100 behind and I knew he would throw it in if I hit. I didn't hit and he showed me the Ac. Figures it was the first hand of the night.
I'm posting more to see what people comment on my posts, only been playing a year or 2 but i think that the post flop bet is what got you into trouble. My thought would have been if i raise and someone has a flush they are going to try to get the Ace of spades to fold and the ace is gonna have a hard time folding. I see the hand as being in trouble on the flop and trying to get out as cheaply as possible or trying to hit the full house cheaply.
GTA Poker
try to get more chips in the middle on the flop