Background - I was introduced to texas holdem about a month ago and got hooked. I don't want to play for real money until I have a much better base, so I started doing play money games and found them to be a waste of time because no one cares if they lose. Thankfully I found Full Tilt which has freerolls and have played several of the Canada $100/Canada Cup freerolls and I am really learning alot (mostly from my mistakes???).
Question - I'm spending the next month really focusing on improving my preflop play, I have a pretty good understanding of which cards to play preflop and how they relate to your position. However I have seen a lot of conflicting advice on betting amounts in preflop.I have read that If you have a playable hand(based on position) you should always bet the same amount regardles of hand strength or position ie. 3-4xBB. But another approach is adjusting your bet size relative to your position ie. early position x2BB, mid position x2.5BB, late postion x3BB.
Which is a more effective strategy for a newer player?
i'm assuming you're talking about MTTs...
both are effective. for me, it depends on the table i'm playing and my opponents. both strategies work to hide the power of your hole cards obviously, so in that regard they're equal.
for a new player, i'd suggest just sticking to the 3xBB in any position since it's impossible to screw it up. also, post flop play can get a little more difficult if you're min-raising in EP and getting a lot of callers (something a new player may want to avoid until he/she can get more practice).
At the micro levels, i dont like minraising (2xBB) because you might as well limp. Generally I follow the rule of 3xBB + 1 for every limper. So in early position im generally opening for 3xBB and if im in later position and 2 guys limped in ill raise it to 5xBB to try and isolate someone or just take it down there.