STR82ACE Playing a $4.40 180 man SnG this morning, and who should be seated at my first table but Kristy Sea Chatted for a bit...seems she's spending most of her forum time on 2p2 Off Topic where her fisting jokes are laughed at. Anyway...promised her I would send everyone a message here...her words... "GFY, YA BUNCH OF O' NITS" Yea, I think she's bitter.
philliivey LOL o kristy o kristy where are you o kristy o kristy my heart aches for you might got to go have some fun on 2p2:)
compuease GTA Poker;191853 wroteSince she's been gone there's been much more poker postings, nice to see It is nice to see. Although having both would be better... :)
philliivey wtf u drunk? compuease;191856 wroteIt is nice to see. Although having both would be better... :)
jdAA88 BEHOLD: the biggest booty of 4L. (^_^) - Two Plus Two Poker Forum Post #15, is that the same Kristy that was here?