I have found it (OPR) useful a lot. I look at a player and A: see what their stats are for the last 120 days..that gives me an indication of solid vs donk play...also I can see what limits they mostly play for sng's. B: I am in a 50+5 game, and see buddy has just lost his last 10 games at 5 and 6 bucks..doesn't usually play this high..you know he is nervous, you know he is looking for a big payday...and won't play optimal. or C: I am playing a 20+2 and look at buddy and see he has played 20 of these games already today...also gives us an indication that he is likely playing bot style..
Any info is good info. That being said..this info is readily available to ANYONE..so..how can it be unfair?
after about 5 hands most of the time you should know what your up against~~~~~
Never had a good run of cards to start a game? Then tighten up?
Best indication I (personally) can get is after the first level for the most part..