A Freeroll player, and 8 others at his table cashed in huge as the jackpot paid out $734,542.27. If the affiliate of the Bad Beat Winner has a Beat Beat Jackpot banner on there sites, they will receive 1.5% of the Bad Beat Jackpot!
Dublin, Ireland. June 11, 2009 – A lucky player on the
Merge Gaming Poker Network recently had the loss of a life time as the Bad Beat Jackpot paid him an astounding $257,089.81 for losing in a poker hand with Quad 7’s against Quad Queens.
After the flop, both “Ween10” and “kdawg1979” both had 3 of a kind – 7’s and Queens, respectively. Betting escalated between each player as kdawg1979 caught his 4th Queen on the turn and Ween10 got his 4th 7 on the river.
When this took place, kdawg1979 won $60.92 on the hand and $128,544.90 for second place in the Bad Beat Jackpot. Ween10 was greatly rewarded for his “loss” as well.
The remaining seven players each received $18,363.55 from the jackpot for being present when it happened.
The Bad Beat Jackpot is triggered when a hand of quad 7’s or better is beaten. That is the lowest qualifying hand in the industry – if this happened at another site, the jackpot simply wouldn’t have gone off. Ween10 was rewarded with this very hand.
123maryc, a player at the table, had this to say, "I was playing six Bad Beat tables and after folding I didn't even watch the rest of the hand, and then I saw the message that the jackpot was hit and looked up and the money was already in my account. Wow was that a great surprise. The $18,000 means a whole lot to me. To other poker players, play lots of hands on the bad beat tables, it is a great deal."
This is the second time the Bad Beat Jackpot has been awarded this year. The accumulated Jackpot had nearly reached $750,000.
CarbonPoker spokesman, Jay Manning states, “The size of the Jackpot was really getting our players excited. Though this jackpot wasn’t as big as our world record $1.2million jackpot won in February, when you are talking about this level of payout, it becomes life changing. Every day that it builds, we are getting more players on the Bad Beat tables. You get players literally hoping to lose. One of them finally got their wish.”
When reached for comment, player kdawg1979 had these inspirational words to say:
“I also just wanted to let you know that two or three nights ago, I played in a freeroll, came in third and won five bucks. I got it up to $60 and went to the Bad Beat tables for about two hours and hit it for $128,000. I’ve never made a deposit and I’ve never had so much money before!”
kdawg1979 continued on, “It all came from the freeroll. I’m happy with my winnings. Thank you! It came at the right time. I have three boys and a wife. We were literally getting evicted. This was a blessing from God. Thank you again, Merge”
Previously, $1.2Million Jackpot paid out to a New York-based student on February 13, 2009. That loss sent the player home with over $400,000 and hundreds of thousands split amongst the others at the table.
Since mid-2008, the Bad Beat Jackpot has been a leading feature of CarbonPoker’s arsenal of trend-setting products.
At time of release, the Bad Beat Jackpot sits at $148,054.53. You can track the new Bad Beat Jackpot in real time at: CarbonPoker.com.
CarbonPoker is a fresh face in the online poker world. With rapid growth and a stylish look, CarbonPoker is dedicated to providing the best and most current gaming experience online. In addition to being a poker leader, Carbon sets an environmental example – our entire operation remains carbon-neutral since 2006.
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