OPRC;187991 wroteI've tried those 300 chip super turbos in NLHE and your right, they are addicting. Very fast paced for the first few rounds. I find its alot of all-ins (in the first stages) with the first Ax anyone picks up. But fun!!!
Its nice to double or triple up in the first round then sit back and wait to pick off the smaller stacks. LOL
Yeah, nice to get a couple big hands early, as you almost always can get it all in preflop with one or two callers....and hopefully you can hold on for the pot.
Played a $100 one last night....my bankroll said no, but I couldn't resist...a tonne of pros (= chance to get buy-in back by busting one)
Doubled up early, then got a 3 way all-in with A's, and chop with one guy for the bike. Then ran AK < K's.....finished about 100 / 300...good prize pool though.