Big Evil BIG EVIL Poker is pleased to welcome Shane from the Airport Club into the fold. Tonight we launch our new Summer Special Series in Toronto with a 1/2 NL game. Our first BIG Freeroll is June 15th for a 40" Samsung 1080p LCD. If enough players qualify, the package could become a 54" with Surround, and PS3. Our second BIG Freeroll is on July 16th for those who qualify. We are giving away a weekend driving a Ferrari 348. To wrap up the Summer Special Series we are having our third Freeroll on August 27th for those who qualify. We are giving away a weekend driving a Lamborghini Diablo VT. At BIG EVIL Poker we are setting a NEW standard yet again. Check out for more info. Here's hoping all your great lay downs aren't on the felt. BIG
AirportClub I glad to be on board. Where else in the city at any limit of game are clubs giving away a weekend in a Ferrari 348. NO WHERE!!!!! is the answer to that question. Players points to all our promotions start tonight. See everyone there.
blackmagicz ReefAquarium;186048 wrotewould it be possible to take cash rather than a ferrari? Boooooo........ I would take a ferrari over the cash anytime....its FPP's, you should have made enough from the cash games already :)
Big Evil The reason for FPP's is simple. Every time we have a BIG Freeroll, players come from near and far. On a couple of occassions, the Freeroll was won by a first timer, and lo and behold we never see them again. This does nothing for our regular players except upset them. The idea of FPP's is only to ensure that the players that come to play on a regular basis are the ones playing for the reward. How can this be of benefit to the regulars if EVERYONE is allowed to play? We felt that this was the only way but if others have suggestions, we are fully prepared to listen for the Fall Series. As for the vehicles, there is no cash value, they are from my collection and I am just giving our regulars an opportunity to drive them for a three day weekend. I figure it is better to let a guy drive one that will enjoy it, as opposed to them sitting in a warehouse. Big
blackmagicz Played in one of Big Evil's games last night, great atmosphere, very safe and very well run. If any forumers have a chance to check out the game I suggest they do, for 1/2 it can't be beat and with all the added incentives to play, it can't be beat!