I would love to know what the pro's do when they can't seem to catch a card to save their life. Do they get more aggressive with worse hands in position? And especially if the tourney has a bad blind structure, almost like a turbo online (4000 starting chips blinds up every 20 minutes blinds start at 25/50). How do you cope when you don't see a facecard for 20 hands and then you pick up something like A9o in the SB with a raise and two callers in front of you?
It's situations like these I never know what to do, it seems like I should start playing aggressive to try and win chips, but being aggressive with really bad starting hands....doesn't usually bode well for me.
I've heard of players that have gone through low buy in tourney's (and won) without ever looking at their cards!
How to win a tournament without looking at your cards … - Poker - ESPN
This article has always amazed me because I can't even fathom how she pulled that off, and yet I want to be able to play that good. Anyway I know there's no "formula" anyone can give me to play amazing poker but I wish I knew how to still win at this game when my cards are no help to me at all!