SB (4.83):
UTG1 (1.96):
0.02/0.04 No-Limit Hold'em (9 handed)
Preflop: Hero is MP3 with Ks, Qh
UTG1 calls $0.04, 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.16, 2 folds, SB calls $0.14, BB folds, UTG1 calls $0.12.
Flop: ($0.52) 8c, Kd, 6c (3 players)
SB checks, UTG1 checks, Hero bets $0.35, SB raises to $0.80, UTG1 folds, Hero raises to $2.40, SB raises to $4.67 (All-In), Hero ??
How much do you have behind?
IMO, there is no analysis that can be made about this hand. It is 100% read-dependent. Do you think this guy pushes light? If so, call. If not... well then your mistake was re-raising to 2.40.
You got check raised in a mirco game. Clearly you're behind.
As stated above, You're asking the wrong question.
After you get check raised you don't want to play a big pot with top pair 2nd kicker.
Raising is awful in that situation.
Hey! Let's not forget that even on micro levels there are a number of players who bets with very little. Complete bluffs are not that common though.
I wouldn't be very surprised to find villain holding KJ or perhaps even KT. If we replace the king with an ace both on your hand and on the board I say it's even more likely since there are many players who seem to think they are obliged to win the pot with AA, no matter what weak kicker they might have.
It's more likely though that villain holds a set. He could be on a draw for the nut flush also, perhaps with AcKc, in which case your already beaten.
I like to play and raise with KQ too from middle position, but even so I think this hand is a typical example of the difficult decisions you often bump into post-flop with this sort of hands. I would probably have called his first raise to see what he would have done on the turn. If the turn didn't help me and he bet say 3/4 of the pot I'd probably fold with the suspicion that I once again played too weak.