Quinner;183068 wrote
First off let me try and tell you what he I think he did bad. First, not betting enough pf with the 9's, he should make me scared to play my A4. Secondly, leading out on the flop, or at least check raising. He has no clue where he's at in the hand if he keeps blindly calling. Also this flop is a great one for his hand. It's pretty unlikely I have a jack or a higher pair and he should be check raising this spot like always. After his bad flop play his turn decision becomes harder. The turn is a bad card for him, so he just calls to try and see a showdown. The ace on the river should pretty much tell him he's beat. Not to mention the increase in my bet size (oops). So I don't understand his check raise when one of the worst possible cards hits on the river.
Although I am checking down any non ace rivers, because I doubt he would fold to any river bet I made as we can see in this situation, so no point bluffing if that Ace didn't hit. Anyway, better aggression from me everyone?? I hope so. It certainly seemed to pay off in this situation.
Ok as it seems to be a daily "fill my leak" session with you (which btw don't take offence to my off colour comment, I don't mind at all cause if I did I just wouldn't post)
What did range of hands did you put the villian on? Also with the board paired did you ever think at any point you could be drawing slim to dead?
I realize its a low level tourney and for the most part people play their hands face up but keep those things in the back of your head when pounding the flop with bets like this.
Always ask yourself what their bets/calls mean. That is the best way to figure out what they could possibly be holding. As you move up in the levels and buy ins you will find tricky opponents will let you use rope to hang yourself in situations like this.
Figure at this blind level:
Any ace or any king is shoving preflop into you (hoping you don't wake up with a monster to call off about 30% of your stack)
Any pair is looking for some chip extraction.
Keep that in mind when playing the last legs of a tourney.
Cheers and good work....keep it up!