A weird spot to be in....twice! With the same guy, I don't feel like posting the whole hand history but basically, 1.00 sit n go, and Villain has been calling pf raises with trash like Uber trash. I wake up with AK twice in early position, he has position on me and calls both times I make it 3xBB the first time, second time 5xBB. Neither time do I pair the board on the flop the first one I c-bet on a jack high rainbow flop, he calls, i check he bets i call i check he bets half the size of the pot, and I decided to look him up. He hit top pair with JTo to give him the winning hand. Fine whatever. Same situation like 3 hands later except I raised more, he STILL called, and me (definitely tilting) push on a 9 high flop figuring he missed, but no he called my 5xBB with 69s and hit top pair on the flop AGAIN. Ugh bad play by me no doubt, I'm usually pretty good with keeping my frustrations under control but what would you do with some idiot who keeps calling with crap and hitting????
Raise alot, bet pot post flop then give up on it after he calls??
If you know he is going to call with any two, wait till you hit before betting. It's okay to check sometimes. Raising your bet is kind of a weird play, as you should be wanting him to call. Also, AK is kinda overrated because any pocket pair is still a slight favorite. You could always c-bet and if he calls assume he hit and slow down betting the next streets.
Blind levels and stack sizes please :) (in future posts)
In situations like these I usually raise preflop bet and then release to any resistance. 9/10 times when someone calls your bet on the flop it is likely that they hit something. There is no point of putting anymore money into the pot unless you improve (maybe hit a K or A) even at that point depending on your read you could still get yourself into more trouble.
It is important in these small buy in tournaments that you don't get carried away with what you think is the best hand but understand what your opponents can be calling you with you can better adjust your range. What may be the best hand preflop may not be the best hand on the flop.
With this example you have a typical calling station and with these I tend to avoid getting into battles with them unless I have a made hand or hit my hand on the flop. Doesn't matter what you barrel they will call no problem.
Later on in the tourney when the blinds are higher you can start shoving on them with your range and you will start to see how squeemish they get when they can't call their stack off with 69 and J10.....