CanadaDave We need to sticky a thread somewhere, perhaps in the Info section, where people can let others know they want to play Hold'em in the casino. That way it'll be easier to get a game going and not just a crapshoot whether or not someone tries to play the same time as you. Oh, and btw I'm sitting in there now if anyone wants a shot at my hard earned Casino Cash! :D
DrTyore That hold'em software is brutal You have to confirm you're in every hand, the blinds / action when HU is screwed up, and three handed, i was acting first post flop while on the button? Ugh Mark
Graham Yea, I agree its not the greatest and if anyone know's of a better software for Vbulletin, let me know. As for the sticky thread, if there is interest I can start a sticky... anyone interested?
CanadaDave the software is bad; but workable. I vote for the sticky. :) Just found this site: Plug In Poker - Energize Your Site with Poker Content! Apparently works with vBulletin, and looks promising.
CanadaDave Anyone interested in playing limit hold'em with play money on poorly constructed software that doesn't always follow the rules of poker and glitches frequently, go to the casino and click on texas hold'em. ;) Nice sell, eh? EDIT: ... cancel that. I went on blackjack tilt and lost my 60k. :( Stupid $10,000 MAX BET, note to self when using a negative regression strategy, make sure you know what the max bet is... oh and try not to lose 7 straight hands, twice. rigged. :?