Wetts1012;178662 wroteI know nothing of the limits poker, so....
How are deuces different then 6's or 7's?
ie, if your folding 2's why arent you folding 7's here. Or, if your capping 7's, why not cap 2's?
If the 3betting player is aggressive, he could be 3betting a hand like 44 or 55, or even A5s/A6s making your 6's, 7's and 8's that much better. On a lot of boards, a limit player will be calling you down with AK unimproved, so having 66 is a
lot better on a board of 4J84J than deuces ;)
Moose's reply is also very good, though the OP has not yet totally clarified that this is a tourney situation unless I missed something.
In a cash game 66 I'd lean heavily towards folding, 77 is very close, and 88 i'd lean towards capping.