Now for my thought after the ship on the river.
I knew Hyper would call, so I wasn't too worried preflop about him, nor really was I worried about the new guy, as I had seen him make and call a few raises and let hands go..
After the flop...hyper let go of the hand...and new guy calls...He didn't insta call, he thought about it..And when he called initially for the 28 extra, I figured PP or big ace..he isn't that large of a stack to put over 10% out there on hoping to hit something funny...
flop 7 Q 7. I thought that was a pretty good flop for me once hyper folded to me. Again, my thoughts of big ace or pp came back to me. I didn't think QQ as he likely would have reraised preflop? I didn't feel A7 for 28 bucks, nor A7 just didn't feel like it..I really thought AJ-AK....probably not AK..but not going to rule it out..and after he calls here on the flop, I figure AQ-KQ-JQ is a pretty likely holding...
The club comes on the turn and he reraises...and yeah I should have shipped..not entirely sure what I was thinking here..need one of those Gus Hansen recorders..I really didn't think flush here, as he called pre and post flop without the second club
In the meantime..I have also thought about 10Q, JQ, KQ..but again...until the flop club came out...didn't really perceive him on the flush as well..bad thinking on my part no doubt...
I didn't take that long to call his raise, and think I did so quite confidently to let him know I thought I was still good.
River club...he got red in the face and insta shoved.
Now I think to myself..did I just let him draw a flush on me? Again, I ruled out QQ, I ruled out x7 holdings.. and now my thoughts focused on XQ holdings that were, I thought AcQc first...but if he just made nut flush, why would he shove me off the pot when I am aggressor? Same with any flush when clearly I have been betting all the way through and that wasn't my draw? I figured that, after the other club on the river hit he decided to use it as a scare..
I figured there was about 420ish in the pot now with his shove and my 120ish would make just about 600...4-1 almost..again rough calculations in my head...120ish was mine...300 profit..
Then I thought about his other pushes at the other table I saw..where he insta shoved with nothing to try to buy...
This was over the course of several minutes that I mulled this all over...and after apologizing to everyone for taking so much time...I could only put him on XQ holdings and the river club was a bluff-shove....I finally decided that I had my other buy in still in my pocket, and that I had to make the call....and turned over my kings.
The call on the flop is a very bad sign.
I honestly took that as a good sign of smaller pair or hitting the it made sense in my mind to what I thought were his holdings.
When I called and pushed the chips in, he instantly dropped his head, nodded as if to say "nice call" and insta mucked without looking at my Kings...I should have asked to see his cards I guess, but by the time the dealer got to the cards he had already left the table...I wasn't too concerned.then....but would like to know
I do realize I could have played that hand much better...but was pretty happy my thought processes brought me to the right conclusion..
I ended up spending 8 hours on the table...making one really bad chip spew for 200, with of course...JJ...but made it back and cashed out the night with 960...800 profit.
One other question that I won't bother starting a new thread on...
In this hand...his chips were all out neatly stacked in the middle...mine were all pushed out neatly over the line...the dealer, when putting them back in front of me..decides to wipe all the stacks over...and let me restack that normal? She could easily have slid his stacks over and left mine exactly where they were in front of me....