Pondpuck well if there is enough interest, we could set up a group buy for custom 'Canadian Based' seat chips... I'm in the process of setting up a template for my own custom chips... so i will be ordering sample sets when i get back from vacation. What do you guys prefer??? Ceramic or clays???
DennisG Either/or for me...If need be, I can take two sets to make it worth while..I know a guy that will take the spare off my hands.
Pondpuck Well i'm off on vacation... when i get back i'll start playing around with a design and see from there!
TommyGlammer I would take 10 sets. I own a poker table building business and I am willing to do a big order if that will help get it done. Here is my website. I'll even pay in advance for them if that helps. Let me know. TG Poker Tables Homepage