Redington;177134 wroteHand one - EP with KQo and UTG opened for a raise -
Hand two - EP with QJs - opening is fine, but never limp unless you plan to 3bet a raise - planning to limp, call, check fold is horrible
in that position, I am repopping the raise because the only reasonable play would be to bluff repping a monster or fold and I hate folding
It makes me sick, I am on a >70BI down swing and see the shitty players like this get to h/u for the cheese? wtf? poker hates me
Last hand - limp from the SB are you new?
On the flop chips are flying
Sorry if this seems harsh, but all of these hands were HORRIBLY played and I am bitter that you probably won this and it looks like a brag thread...
It's anything but a brag thread...
I posted the hand that I felt I played bad... really bad and I wanted to know how I should have played it differently.
Honestly, I've been close to card dead except one I reached the final table where I started getting some hand and lucky at the same time... I felt like before that I completly outplayed my oponents (before the final table I had won 27 hands without a showdown didn't put all my chips in the middle once and I played my position perfectly to gain an advantage....
Then well final table happended and I feel like I won because I luckboxed a couple hands...
K7 > 46
I stopped playing a while ago, like in september because I didn't have time and at the time I felt like my game had improved ALOT now I come back, start playing and feel like I'm out of luck when I'm actually playing like a complete donk except for the first part of this tournament where I REALLY played well until the final table where I went back to my old bad habits and luckboxed it.
Again... so far from a brag since I don't feel like I deserve the win at all.
Oh well... I'll just get back to reading my books and get my old-self back and hopefully win some money in a more satisfying way