Chuckieland;176418 wroteanybody know any hand chart guide for pushing?
that say
M7 push this and above
M5 push .....and above
M1-3 push....above.
early on a tournament id say go semi tag semi loose so its difficult to put you on a specific hand...
then when the tourney advance become more maniac agressive.. when the bubble approach and you have lots of chips to play with once in a while use weakness sensing and well timed aggression.. no value bet only quad bet raise so if someone bet 1200$ you would raise him to 6000$ etc... enough to make him think again of calling unless he has the nuts... but be prepared to lose some small amount or you wont be able to make those moves at the end...
dont forget to use all sort of strategy at your disposal... the bait and trap technique ... get 2 or 3 caller doing all the action and when you want to take control take it.. but it must be done with some very strong hand or some 15 outer like str8 ... str8 flush draw or flush at the same time... this would be the perfect hand for those type of play.. no way to miss
let the big stack get torn down by the other manic at the table and make a move on the manic that calls with a weak A or weak K Q J etc...
and the more you move up the tourney ladder afther the bubble just play extra unpredictable and all in once in a while on a coin flip pre-flop....
coin flip hand would be AK AQ AJ KQ QJ or good pocket pair like KK QQ or if you have AA also....
i think ive said enough the rest is adding your personal touch to that playing style ive suggested