harvman;176137 wroteJust want some thoughts on this hand.
At a recent tourny ( 40 players, starting stacks 10000, blinds at 50/100 ) I get dealt A's in the small blind......as best I can remember. I've noticed the guy on the button has maybe played one hand.
A couple of limrpers, button limps, I make it 400. Folds to the button who calls.
I think your raise was too small. There is already 350 in this pot when you raise to 400. Your giving the button great odds to call, not to mention the blinds, and this deep your likely going to get the limpers too.
Flop comes 6c 3c 2s
I bet out 1200....button raises 1800....should I be concerned here??
I reraise to 5000, button goes all in and I insta-call.
When the button raises you, what do you think he is doing? He has only played one hand and you think he may be splashing around with air?
Then you reraise and get re-shoved on?
Likely your beat, sure he could be weak passive and called with queens but if he did that, he wouldn't be raising you now.
now everytime you have aces, think of this hand and remember to punish people to play, not let em in cheap