i bought tickets just under a year ago with west jet, and didnt end up going. they dont allow you to get your money refunded so they put it in a credit so i can use it when i want to fly next but i have a year to either give the credit to someone else to fly i will sell them for cheap if someone was planning on flying somewhere and wants a cheap flight.but west jet only flys to certain destanations so let me know where you wanna fly if your intrested.
Pretty sure the ticket is only good in your name.
nope i can transfer the credit into anyones name so say i sent u the 400 dollars worth of traveling u would pay me what ever. i asked them to give me my money back and they said the only way to get money is to sell it to someone or wait intill u wanna fly somewhere.
I had tix for a WJ flight, and gave them a sob story about my g/f breaking up with me... they refunded..
really well im goona that then i want my money back those bastards if not i will self for half price better then nothing
whens the year up?
i have to book a flight before the end of febuary for anytime in the next year. so if someone new they where they wantedto fly it work like if they wanted to fly in june or august or even decemeber this year it would work
I am planning on a trip to Vegas in mid Feb; I would be interested. PM me with my cost for a trip from Feb 13 to 18th. thanks
okay will do ill call and get the information right now
hey pokerjah i called and they said they have a flight feb 13th leaves toronto at 935 am and comes home on the 18th at 11:30pm.. if your intrested still.
if anyone knows Cole, can you ask him to check his pokerforum mailbox and give me a call as I want to book my flights today if possible. Thanks.