Dead Money;174357 wrotenot being silly. I have given you the parameters and you have less the 10 BB in your stack, but still average. Do you call. Player was niether loose or tight. Open shove the best you can be is dominating a under pair. At worst they have an overpair....although unlikely...two over cards is more than likely.
My point is this...
They way you have typed out your post leads me to believe that you have fundamental leak in your game. In this extremely common endgame situation you need to be thinking about:
- what types of hands fall into your opponents range
- how your holding fares against that range
- what price you are getting to make the call
You never know for sure if your opponent holds overcards, holds an overpair, or holds an underpair. Since you have a middling pair you need to consider the fact of whether of not you are up against TT-AA. Saying that it is unlikely is wrong, it is entirely possible you just need to figure out what percentage of the time it is true.
Why don't you figure this situation out for yourself with some of the posters here coaching your decisions?
Here is how you start. What are the blinds, what is your stack exactly, what is your opponents stack exactly and what are all of the hands that you believe you opponent shoves with in this spot?
Answer those questions first and then you will get some constructive help.