compuease;173441 wroteAre you sure there was no bottom dealing or anything similar going on? Braver man than me Jim, going to a strange place to meet unknown ppl to play poker.... Did you at least have any backup plan if anything went wrong?
I'm not too worried about playing poker at strange locations; hell, I played in Branford a couple times :) if someone wants to rob me for a couple hundred bucks, so be it. If I didn't like the guys running it or the location, I would have walked away. Since the location was fine and the guys running it, and the players I met at the bar seemed like ok guys (hell one was a dentist), I had no concerns.
As for bottom dealing, honestly, since the house makes more money than any player with the rake over a course of a night, why would they take the risk of scaring away business. Evil runs an honest game and is a good host.
My only additional comment is in regards to the disagreement between that one dealer and the player about the player making comments when not in the hand. Personally, the dealer was right about his concerns but this doesn't give him the right to dish a player. He could have approached it a lot differently. I know a lot of players that will not return to certain clubs because of bad dealers or dealers with an attitude. If a player and a dealer have a disagreement, the house should rule.