jayjayhooks;171585 wroteThanks big mike, as for the open ender response I wasnt talking about a 56k board with 78... i was talking more a 679 board, where you hit a low pair with shit kicker, and an open ender. Thats where you get sucked in. You cant be sure your drawing live, but considering all your additional outs, your almost always going to be getting the odds to call. This kind of flop is beautiful if its rainbow against 4 or 5 players, but when up against 7+ or if the flush draw is present and isnt your suit, your under a lot of pressure.
on this board, i'm raising or c/r it 100% of the time. if you bet, it's just going to intice others along and you don't want to chop the pot with K8 SOOTED when the straight hits. so you want to try to pump and squeeze ppl out as much as possible. although i don't see K8 suited folding, but because we have a pair, we're practically free-rolling them (read: only 3 outs for the K).
on a 56K board, i'm c/c or c/r, simply because you don't want to squeeze ppl out when you have a draw like this. you want as many suckers to put in one bet on the flop as possible. the dream scenario would be if the player direction on your left bets and everyone calls and you raise that motherfudgepacker. at the lower limits, once ppl put one bet in on the flop, they feel like they've put a piece of their soul into the pot and they will call 3bets if the original bettor reraises so don't worry about ppl folding. this way, when you do hit (read: 1/4 times) you're going to hit a massive pot and super +EV with all those bets on the flop.
note that this should only be in lower limits where a lot of ppl see the flop. in the higher limits where the games are tougher, like zunni said, i'm pretty much folding everything in EP, except 9Ts+. if the games are really aggro, i'm waiting for monster hands in EP cause suited connectors just aren't going to be profitable.