westside8;168877 wroteBy no means am I bashing here, but obviously the pros here will recommend PokerPwnage - seeing how they're pros there.
I'm going to throw in a shameless plug and recommend you to check out the site Poker Training Guide established by one of our members. The site provides detailed information on the many poker training sites available and you can decide from there.
To be honest, I don't see how you can really consider it research if you look into training sites but did not see CardRunners. Thats like researching about depositing money into an online poker site but completely missing out on PokerStars
I thought about the fact that they would promote their own after I posted this. It slipped my mind. I will check them out right now.
However, at what point in time did I say I researched into all of these sites?
I remember saying this...
"So, those are the two I have seriously looked into. I'm leaning toward PokerVT at the moment, but would like any info regarding any of the other sites"
And the spot I mentioned 'research' was earlier and I said....
"I have been playing poker for about 8-10 months now and have improved quite a bit, simply because I have researched and learned as much as I could in that time period"
Also, I have looked at a few sites that rate different poker training sites. I came here bcause one of them says PokerVT is amazing and the content is great. The other one says it isn't that good and not worth it.
So, instead of relying on the all mighty affiliated based web-sites out there (maybe they go with the company that will give highest affiliate sales percent?), I decided I should ask people who will give honest opinions. No offence to the individual on these forums that created their own web-site for this. I've just done affiliate marketing before and know how this kind of stuff happens.
So, yeah, that's why I'm here.
I also didn't mention that I didn't see CardRunners. Maybe you should read a little more carefully before you decide to not bash someone.
Big Mike. I'll check out Deucescracked for sure.
NoVeLTeK does PokerXfactor have a good math portion of their site? To be honest, this is what made me look into PokerVT more. Their math side looks to go quite in depth. Math has always been a strong point of mine, so I would like to learn a lot of poker math.
Also, I've heard PokerVT went from crap to good. What content did you think was crap about it? I feel like you're right and that it's just a nice looking site but that's about it. Like I said, I mainly wanted to look into it cause of the math portion it has. Doesn't sound like it's worth 150 startup if the rest of it is crap though.
Has anyone else here tried PokerVT?
Now I'm leaning toward PokerXFactor.