GTA Poker;168237 wroteIf you're going to shortstack push preflop than any AAxx, any run 8 hi or better with at least single suited (not 3 cards of the same suit), any 1 gapper hand at least single suited -- ie -- 9 765. Two pairs in your hand or a pair in your hand less than kings decreased the value or your hand -- ie -- 8765 better than 8776, etc. Calling-off 20bb with 8764 with 2-3 all-ins infront of you is actually a profitable play in Omaha, especially at a typical low-limit table where people are playing their big cards strong.
AK88 is not a decent all-in hand, you want all 4 cards playing together for max value against other hands.
You're better-off learning to play and playing deepstacked, it will decrease your variance and you can still play tonnnes of hands at a 6 max game and be profitable. The above is just gambooling.
Your range if you decide to play a shortstacked strategy in PLO with only 20BB should only consist of AAxx and some hi rundowns 789T, 89TJ etc. MAYBE KKxx. QQxx is very marginal, as you're only going to be a slight favourite over something like JJxx or TTxx, even then, they have pretty good equity against you.
if you want to learn PLO, play deeper, only 20BB is just gambling