The Prophet 22;168060 wroteA little background first before I get to the hand in question.
I have played with this guy several times before and pretty much understand his game. He is not afraid to throw chips into the pot and hope to catch a card if he feels it coming. (An exact quote). Cracked my aces in the first hand of a tournament 20K starting stack hoping for a runner runner flush with top pair and a 4 kicker. I put him all in on the turn for 12K and he got the 7d for a flush and won the hand.
Fast forward 8 months.
This same gentlemen gets move to my table with a huge chip stack. 13 players left blinds are 1k-2k-300 or 400 antes
Two hands before this hand I am about to explain, he loses 125K Queens full of 10’s to King’s full of 10’s
He limps, button calls small blind folds, I check with Q7 os. My chip stack is about 110k. Button has 47K. And the gentlemen had 49K.
Flop comes Qs 2s 8h. I check, he checks, button raises to 7k. I flat call, gentlemen goes all in. Button folds.
Three questions.
What is the correct play?
What would you do?
And why would you do it?
I will post tomorrow how it ended after I get off work.
Prophet 22
I believe the correct play, and thus what I would do, is fold. He is likely either way ahead (set, 2pr, or better kicker Queen) or on a draw. If you know his game well, it may be that he would not ever make a play like that with a very strong hand, so it may be skewed strongly to a draw.
Problem is, what draw? You might actually be an underdog to the AsKs, and even against 9sTs you are only 52/48. Against Ks8s or Js8s you are also behind.
It was a limped pot, and you are risking almost half your chipstack with top pair (very) weak kicker. Fold, imo.