Cash game blinds are 1/2$ all fold to me on the buttton with AKo. I make a standard raise of 6$ both blinds call. I know both blinds are crazy loose players and see about 50% of the flops! Neither player i consider a threat as far as skill is concerned. the flop comes
Kh Qh 9c , the pot is 18$
Small blind bets 9$ and the big calls.
36$ in the pot! Im thinking raise here because i think the small blind is playing any hands in the range of J10 - AK or any pocket pair. The big Could have that same range as well as some weaker connecting cards like 68s or 89. Theres a str8 draw out there or one of my oponents could be lukcy and have the J10, or heart flush draw as well... I have to raise!
I raise it up to 36$, i figure a pot size bet is nice.
The pot is 72$ small blind reraises all in for another 72$ (roughly)
Big blind folds.
Now what do to? call or fold? Getting 2-1 with top pair top kicker..... I can safely elimate my oponent having any set because he would have checked the flop. He could have got lucky and have the str8 already or even 2 pair. But most likely i think hes being crazy with some kind of draw or 1 pair + draw.
What do you guys think the right move is here? Thanks!
your raise told you everything you need to know. Your beat! Draw heavy board, all high cards.
I would fold.
I was thinking on speculating here...but realize I really don't have enough cash game
Too bad, you get my thoughts we know he isn't on tilt...he has been playing solid..etc...what hand would make him call a 5 buck raise? Big pair? big paint suited? He could have hit the set and doesn't want to be outdrawn to the straight or bigger set as well so he bets to see where he is? thoughts here are that one pair just isn't good enough...and while I hate to lose that kind of cash..more cash sucks worse..
Big Mike
The only likely way he's bluffing here is with a heart draw, do you have the Ah? AhTh is at least a possibility, though I agree you are likely beat.
Do you know what the sb thinks of you? Does he believe you capable of laying down a King here?
if he can make this move with Kx, Qx, a mid-pair, flush draw or sometimes any 2 cards, you have to call here. A9h would be a good candidate here.
yes, you are behind his likely range but i doubt you are worse than a 2-1 dog against his range. you will win often enough to make the call worthwhile.
now if you said he only makes this play with 2pr or better, then this becomes a fold.
p.s. why do you think he would check a set but bet a straight? i think any strong hand on that board has to bet big here. that also makes me think he likely has a draw or weak paaaaaaaaaaaaaair (back with the p.r. = pr again...)