adpro;167769 wrote
So, back to my question.
What types of notes to you keep and what do you include in your notes? Do you include the type of player each person is? Do you include some hands they played that made you question human intelligence?
I used to keep track of each time a player saw a flop and compared them to every other player at the table at hand. I would also keep track of how many times they raised and called a raise pre-flop. I started getting good at it, but felt it was a waste of time. I wasn't seeing a lot of other things I should have been paying attention to.
I found a great website that profiles all the players online according to their play. I don't know if I am allowed to post it here so I won't for now. But you can look up all the PokerStars / Full Tilt players and see ratings on those players. Some are Sharks, many are Bombs, still more are Redfish, and there are other types as well. I take the information and make a note on them about their play style. I wish PokerStars had the option to color code players like I read Full Tilt does.
I don't find that it actually helps too often though, well I suppose occasionally if I know that someone is a Mouse I like to try to bluff a bit more, or a bomb I may not take so seriously. Mostly I just want to ensure that I am sitting at a table with as many Greenfish/Mice/Calling Stations as possible. When I am surrounded by Sharks and Bombs I know my profits are going to be small.