pkrfce9;167406 wrotei need to understand what kind of 'read' we need to have on someone who is playing 4/4/2. assuming those numbers are correct, i stated the range above and your ev against that range. put a bow on that and put it under the tree.
I'm actually not sure what 4/4/2 is referencing. Could you explain?
Also, reads can change the range of hands the player could be holding. For example, if you've seen him raise the same amount with pocket 5's. You can now put him on more hands, making a call more possible.
Or, if you know he is super tight and passive, you would know he probably has the nuts, which makes the fold easier.
His turn check showed weakness. Maybe he's the type of player that likes to steam roll people who show weakness and was waiting for it. If he saw this happen previously, that could change the decision.
Either way, I don't know what 4/4/2 is. Is that the ICM or something? I should go research this for furture reference.