AcidJoe;165817 wroteIf your roll is a couple of hundred it only matters how difficult it is to replace it.
A 'roll' of a couple hundred isn't really a roll at all imo. Like calling an acorn an oak tree.
Provided that you can do a few things:
#1 Replace it on a time frame that you can live with if you bust.
#2 honestly assess your own play and the play of your opponents to ensure you are making excellent decisions, and are in a game that YOU can over all beat. (swings are irrelevant)
#3 commit to learning.
The reality is that
at this level playing bankroll appropriate poker when/if you have the ability to play bigger and do the above is fucktarded..
..the guys who will tell you 'take it slow' are the same ones who joined four years ago and are still playing .05/.10 and large-field freerolls. They generally under value their own time.
As a rec player a $200 deposit should see you playing 1 or 2 tables of $20's, 3 or 4 $11's..if you
can't beat these then your step is NOT to move down..but to move OUT of playing online and to read and improve your game until you're making money worth showing up for.
Why sit around for 6 months making like a buck an hour, when you could be sitting around for a week reading an awesome book and then make $3/table/hr ? (random numbers..try to understand my point)