Also, try not to think about calculating your odds on both the turn and the river. Calculate them as separate events. If you don't hit on the turn, calculate for the river after. The turn card can change everything, like maybe forcing you to believe that your 8 outs to the straight won't be the winning hand anymore.
Don't calculate how much you should call for both the turn and the river, cause you will likely have to call some type of raise on the river and if you use up all of your calling money on the turn, you're going over and will be under in the long run. Does that make sense?
Thats how ive always played in the past, but recently ive been kicking myself on the river after I would have made my flush or straight.
Most of the time my pot odds on the flop are just below par for calling, and seeing as how im treating the turn and the river as seperate events, I figure to be losing money in the long run by making that call. However I see my out hit the river often enough to make me believe there is something wrong with my thinking.
Ive been mulling it over for a couple days now, and cant find any related info in print anywhere. I have another idea though, and I hope someone can either confirm it, or save me a ton of money before I use it too long by denying it. lol
Is it justifiable to call on the flop when on a draw, if the odds are in your favour for drawing to two cards, IF you believe that if you miss the turn you will then get the proper pot odds to call for one more card?
For example, you have a gutshot straight draw and the pot is laying you 6-1 after the flop. Its a low straight but you'll make at least the second nuts, and given the action around you, you have plenty of reason to believe that when the turn comes down and misses your hand, the pot will still be laying you 11-1 to draw one more card.
(The odds of making the hand are around 10.75-1 with one card to come, and around 5.5 - 1 with two cards to come)
Both your calls would then have postive expectation right? Seeing as how you did end up sticking around for both the cards, making the 6-1 justifiable... and obviously the call on the turn is postive expectation because the pot is laying you the right odds.