MickeyHoldem;164472 wroteFor those that have stated that they cannot fold kings preflop, I give you this amusing tale:
Tight old nit raises pre-flop, gets re-raised by a player. Old nit re-re-raises all-in, and the player calls! Old nit turns over pocket aces, to no ones surprise, the other player turns over pocket 7s! WTF!!! Everyone asks how he didn't know the old guy had aces? "Oh I knew he had aces, it's just that if he has aces here, my 7s are better than pocket kings... And I can't fold pocket kings!"
He's right... His 77's were better than KK
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 81.946% 81.71% 00.23% 50371344 142614.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 18.054% 17.82% 00.23% 10986372 142614.00 { KK }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 80.481% 80.31% 00.17% 49506984 103734.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 19.519% 19.35% 00.17% 11928492 103734.00 { 77 }
1.5% better, way behind still but his logic was 'correct'.