pkrfce9;163846 wrotei expect his 3-bet range barely has 30% equity here. but go ahead and prove me wrong.
OK, I shall. :) By only re-raising to $10K instead of all-in, there is a high probability that villain has a strong enough hand that he doesn't mind a call or would call an all-in. Something like the top 20% of hands would be a reasonable 3-bet range for the villain, and this has
41% equity against TT. Hero does not have enough fold equity against a reasonable 3-bet range, so folding would be better than re-raising all-in. Without seeing more numbers, villain made the correct call with AQs even if he thinks that hero would go all-in only with the top 10% of hands. OK, I have reached my posting quota for today, so I'm off to the Fallsview WPT room....