Jerry "herschelw" Watterson has been kind enough to offer one of his training sessions for FREE to 9 members of this forum.
I haven't thought of a good way to pick the top 9 just yet, but since this is for you all, you can pick which topic he will discuss. Also, if you have any ideas for how to pick the final 9 that would be great also. I was thinking it would be a combination of a small buy-in game on pokerstars where top 3 would win the session, and also something for the top 6 posts between now and when session happens. People could vote for each other so it wouldn't be biased.
Anyway, here are the options for the session topics. The one with the most votes will be the one he does. (If you don't win, or would like to attend some of these sessions regardless of what happens here,
send Jerry a PM. He usually charges around $25 per person for these sessions)
Also, PokerPwnage added some new FREE videos. If you go to and click on PREVIEW you will see around 30 minutes worth of free videos.