MCflip73;162981 wroteCash Game 3-6 blinds..., 8 handed..., 2nd last hand of the evening.
You are on the button..., folded around to you..., you look down to see the red ladies..., you raise the blinds to $15 (2.5x)..., SB re-raises you another $19..., you are equal in chips at $125 each..., My play: I am always re-raising here if holding any of the top three pairs being AA-KK-QQ, so I re-raised SB another $40.00!
Note that SB held the chip lead most of the night..., has been playing conservatively and relatively tight since taking the chip advantage
Am I overvaluing my QQs here?!?!? Should I be considering another play perhaps?!?! What's the right play here on the QQs if facing a re-raise from SB position with relatively TAG image?!?! Call/Raise/Fold?!?!
With such a short stack, shoving makes the most sense. An no, you are not overvaluing QQ here. When folded to the button, you can raise with a very wide range. And SB can re-raise you with a pretty wide range as well since he knows you don't need a hand to raise in this situation. An your shove over his 3bet really looks like a resteal so he should call with a good hand.
If I knew how SB played, I might just call his re-raise pf. I know many players that would shove any flop and it is likely a higher EV for me to flat call pf and call his shove. I would need to know SB very well though.
However, when you complicate your play, you are at a greater risk of making a mistake. Shoving in this scenario pf is probably the right move and takes away chances of making a mistake later on.