STR82ACE;162652 wroteVERY sharp Moose, no doubt. Unfortunately a bit pricey for me at this time. Minimum 1000pc would run $600, is that right?
That's right and I would recommend the aligned chips, as in the pictures which would actually be $850 for 1000.
However, keep in mind these prices are reduced for the group buy and the designer is waiving his design fee for the custom changes. It would be very difficult to get a semi-custom design on this grade of ceramic for a better price elsewhere.
Unaligned semi-custom chips (you have to use their base/spot colours) at Nevada Jacks are $.79 ea, minimum order 500 and you must provide the design and their ceramic chips are not nearly the same quality.
So for aligned chips, it is costing you $.06 ea more than Nevada Jacks unaligned and $.19 ea cheaper for unaligned and you can change the secondary colours, denoms and text to anything you want for free.
Also I forgot to mention, it doesn't matter how many chips you order, as long as the total group buy goes over 1000 chips, then you will get the 1000 chip price, aligned or unaligned. The minimum order is 100 chips.