TimmyX;161688 wroteYou're right. I meant that but I just wrote it down wrong. Thanks for pointing it out.
To the poker pro, yeah, I sort of read your post with the card images in it. It wasn't the subject I was referring to so I didn't actually get very involved in it since it was a lot of reading about something other than what I was talking about. You obviously have an interpretation of pot odds which is all your own. I was referring to the ones published in Poker reference books in which it is stated that you will win more than you will lose in the long run by calling when the pot-to-call-amount ratio is larger than the hand win to loss ratio. I'm not saying your post was wrong, just that it wasn't what I was talking about so obviously whether or not it was valid was of little significance to me. I've never heard of such an interpretation but you'll certainly welcome to make your own up. I don't know why you got so upset about it, but that's your business. Some people just have unpleasant dispositions for whatever reasons, which I won't even try to guess at. I don't recall being rude to you but from what I've seen, this is a forum where rudeness is the norm so why should the resident poker pro be any different? Is this a Canadian poker forum or a New York one? I can't believe most Canadians would be that cranky and rude.
If he ever sees this, I'll just say this.
First of all, I said that you were good for trying to think outside of the box and to ignore the rude remarks.
Second, my post was exactly what you were talking about. You were asking why pot odds works. I was saying that pot odds are simply a portion of a big picture and the best way to make decisions on calling is to use pot odds. You ignored the post, and I wasn't angry or being rude.
I was simply trying to point out where your errors were, as were so many other posters. You just seem to neglect to think about what we had to say and go on your marry way thinking you are correct and we are all wrong. What I was referring to was exactly where you are going wrong.
So, yes, us Canadians get fed up and start being rude to ignorant people who won't listen to advice give to you from other players. Also, I am by no means a poker pro. That's just a nick name of mine. I did mention that I am new to poker in my posts as well. Yet another piece of evidence proving that you obviously don't read what the other posters have posted. That's probably no the best way to learn.
Now, if you aren't going to listen to us, I urge you to play the way you think you should by what you have shown us, and I hope to see you at the tables one day.