is proud to announce the addition of rdcrsn to our team of pros. Russell "Rdcrsn" Carson has been storming up the pocketfives rankings and is now the #8 ranked online player in the world. He's final tabled many of the biggest tournaments online. You can read about one of the sick runs he had here:
He's certainly taken the poker world by storm and isn't slowing down any time soon. Now he's showing pokerpwnage members how he crushes online tournaments through his upcoming training videos, free lessons that you can win with him in weekly member tournaments, and feedback in the forum. His first video covering play in the stars $50 buyin nightly guaranteed tournament will be debuting this week!
Some of's offerings:
-Weekly member tournament where the top finishers will receive a FREE one on one lesson with one of our pros
-Protege tournament on August 31st where the top finisher will become My new protege for free
-A team of pros that is truly dedicated to helping you to become the best poker player you can be!!!