CdnVet0506;160292 wroteWell finally made it to the final table on Pokerstars:)! Required lots of patience, a few nice runs of cards, winning the occasional race (especially those that I was behind on), and a few bluffs when blinds were high:). Finally lost in a race where I went in with best hand, but buddy rivered the straight. Placed 7th. Was very happy with my play this morning. Mixing it up, playing TAG, being occasionally LAG when table dynamics allowed seemed to work best for me. Thanks for advice fellas. Hope to make more and more final tables in future.
Make that 2 final tables out of 5 tournies today. Placed 6th in this one. Seem to have found what works for me:-)
Nice!! What stakes were you playing for? Care to post some hands or advice? What hands were you playing? How often did you raise and what hands did you raise? Did you go in with any different thoughts?
Kristy_Sea;160458 wroteIt may be the best writing in the history of poker...but I'll never know, nor will anyone else.
Two paragraphs or less is the norm Adpro...we've got the attention spans of 4 year olds who've lost their ritalin up in here.
Lol, I am the same way, but I seem to love to type long messages. I assure you it isn't the best writing in the history of poker. I'm still a beginning myself.
Animaux;160502 wroteThanks for the thoughtful post Adpro. I enjoyed reading it.
No problem. I still need to apply a lot of what I say to the way I play, haha!