Comments? Bad Turn play?
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Hand #55254749-2550 at Corvallis (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 19/Jul/08 14:51:23
Ercules is at seat 0 with $10.56.
wilbert121 is at seat 1 with $14.22.
Bubudinti is at seat 2 with $23.80.
kcp is at seat 3 with $7.04.
Middledon is at seat 4 with $9.
allyrchips is at seat 5 with $4.25.
The button is at seat 3.
Middledon posts the small blind of $.10.
allyrchips posts the big blind of $.25.
Ercules: 9d Td
wilbert121: -- --
Bubudinti: -- --
kcp: -- --
Middledon: -- --
allyrchips: -- --
Ercules calls. wilbert121 raises to $.50. Bubudinti
calls. kcp calls. Middledon folds. allyrchips
calls. Ercules calls.
Flop (board: Ts 9h 7h):
allyrchips checks. Ercules bets $1.75. wilbert121
calls. Bubudinti calls. kcp folds. allyrchips
Turn (board: Ts 9h 7h Ah):
Ercules checks. wilbert121 checks. Bubudinti bets
$7.85. Ercules folds. wilbert121 folds. Bubudinti
is returned $7.85 (uncalled).
Hand #55254749-2550 Summary:
$.30 is raked from a pot of $7.85.
Bubudinti wins $7.55.
looks like you lost 2.25
you have given no reads, so it is impossible to give you anything but default plays. at low stakes, your opponents could be playing any two for 2xBB. so you could be way ahead or way behind. who knows?
ok, you bet 1.75 into a pot of 2.60? there are flush and straight draws out there. in general, bet the pot (or more) and jam on a safe turn. you are out of position though. you could also consider the CR jam.
if you are sure bub was chasing the flush then fold the turn. or put out a blocking bet (2.5?) if he is weak enough to let you draw and hope to hit your 4 outer on the river. but really, he has seen his 2 opponents show fear when the heart came, so it would be pretty easy for him to put in a big bet and win the pot here. at this point he could have the flush, A with a flush draw, straight and flush draw, just a straight draw or some other hand worse than yours.
how long before someone chimes in about your 40xBB stack and tells you that you are under-rolled or uncomfortable at these stakes? i put the over/under at 5 posts.
His turn bet seems very strange though. Either he has a weak flush, flopped the straight, or has the same hand as you. Either way I think you are probably safer to fold on that turn.
Ok I'm expecting a lambasting but here I go...
First off, FOLD THIS HAND.. 9Ts out of position (UTG) into a field that all can raise is potentially bad times.
Imagine this scenerio, you call, player in MP raises 3x BB and it's folded back around to you. Can you call this with T high?
As it is, you still had to call a raise OOP with T high, albeit it worked out that you had a better field to go against.
As it was played the flop bet was a little small.. You have top 2 on a really draw heavy board. I bet pot (or more) and make any draws have really bad odds to call. Assuming you don't get raised (therefore someone has hit one of the draws) you are likely good (though even at this level, people will slow-play a made hand once in a while)
On the turn, I also fold.
Keep in mind, people love chasing their draws so all you can do is get as much money in when you are ahead and hope anyone who calls doesn't hit their outs.
Good feedback guys, I appreciate the different opinions.
The one thing that I really overlooked was my bet on the flop. I rarely bet more than half the pot on a made hand despite the draws out there to try and keep my oppponet in. I probably push him out with a pot size bet and take it down.... I have to incorporate this more into my play.
I have a few scenarios like this. I'll have to dig up some more hand histories.
Thanks again!
I agree w/ zunni.. fold 910 from UTG there, or raise it.
Calling is the worst of those three options.
DrTyore;158775 wroteI agree w/ zunni.. fold 910 from UTG there, or raise it.
ya, i didn't want to get too nit picky but t9s ain't such a great hand OOP. if you can get in cheap with it once in a while it's ok (depends on the table). most likely you will flop some kind of draw if you continue on with the hand and it sucks playing those OOP.
jam it on the flop and cross your fingers that i) you get called and ii) it holds up. Chances are no one called you with 8J but for another $0.25 its possible.
pokerJAH;158784 wrotejam it on the flop and cross your fingers
Wat?! You may want to re-think that before you get lynched yet again with flames. pkrfce9, ReefAquarium and I will bring popcorn and roast some marshmallows in the bonfire. Hopefully, DrTyore will come to the rescue in time with his asbestos suit. ;)
Me own notes...
- Not fond of the call, because a) it's six handed, so if you're first in, get aggressive and b) I'm not sure you want to be playing a drawing hand with the stack size you have.
But, you limped and had a few callers to a flop that sucks balls.
As people have said it's such a draw heavy board that, with three other players, you're going to hate any 6, 8, J (straight), any A, K, ~Q (possible better two pairs), or any heart (flush)
Been trying to figure out how to play it here with $2.60 in the pot and $10 behind and it's tough! Here's the problem...
Any realistic stab at the pot to make draws pay commits a quarter to a third of your stack, at which point you might as well just push.
A better line may be to check the flop with the intention of CR'ing. But, the problem here is that if someone bets the pot, and (ideally) it gets folded to you, your push still gives draws the correct 2-1 odds to call you.
You know, with you're stack size I'm not disliking pokerJAH's suggestion as much as I did when I first read it.
I do think the mistake was calling on the flop with the stack you had.
Zithal;158941 wroteI do think the mistake was calling on the flop with the stack you had.
and YOUR mistake, my friend, is your comprehension of the hand history
your other points are good, though...
LOL. It honestly took a few moments to figure out what you were talking about. I'm smrt!!
'whoops i threw a glass bottle at your face. my bad'...