Monteroy;157753 wroteActually, the call was more based on the odds I would have vs 4-5 opponents then how I thought I felt vs the small stack who shoved (this was the "baffling" part - ie the all in made me focus more on the other players then the actual all in guy). Against the shortie who pushed I assumed I was a likely a coin flip at best (though him having 77/88 hand seemed possible).
I am not quite sure what you are suggesting the proper course of action should have been here. Folding?
I think he was saying, with 3 players behind you left to act, after your preflop call, you are lucky that no-one else raised it up.
Monteroy;157753 wroteMonteroy: calls 1140
PokerProFL: calls 940
dblerc: calls 940
DoyleeAdept: calls 940
Especially with dblerc and DoyleeAdept potentially reraising all-in, which I think is a call you can't make with those 9s.
So In that spot I would probably have folded the 9s, unless I was sure of a couple of things:
1. That the people left to act are likely only to call, and not re-pop it.
2. That the people left to act would have raised already if they had premium hands, so I'm likely racing or better against most of them(ie. they have over cards, or an underpair).
If I thought there was a chance 1 or 2 of those people could go all in after I make that call, I'd save the money and just fold the 9s.
But like I said, it depends on your reads, if those players are calling stations, than go ahead and hope to flop a set.