i doubt he is worried about image if it is down to 3-handed.
he wins the hand, he has a big chip lead and a huge likelihood to win it all. he loses it, he is hurt but still has enough chips to give himself a reasonable shot.
was it a good play? it really boils down to the dynamics of the table.
if mikey had been stealing a lot in position and had shown the ability to laydown to a re-steal, then the guy makes the play with any 2 cards. his stack is large enough at 20+BBs that mikey can't just call based on pot odds. he HAS to have some kind of hand. mikey is getting a bit worse than 1.4:1 on his money so 22 has proper odds against a random hand. (check with pokerstove - just over 50%)
on the other hand, if the guy only makes this play with a 'decent' hand (say 30% fall in this category - 22+,A4s+,K5s+,Q7s+,J8s+,T8s+,98s,A7o+,K9o+,Q9o+,J9o+,T9o), then, is mikey in for a world of hurt if he calls? well, 1 opponent's hand (22) nets him 20k. 72 hands (33+) net him (.18*735k-.82*535k = ) -305k. about 300 hands (non-pair, higher cards) net him 100k. i net that out to an EV of about 20k for making the call. (or you can pokerstove it - he's at about 44.5% against that range - and it comes out at about 17k.) it really depends on the % of hands he makes the move with. drop down below 20% then then the EV becomes negative. so again, we need to know the dynamics of the table and who knows that better than mikey?
does that make this a 'great' read? i dunno. buddy will tell you that any +EV call is a good one but i'm skeptical when this much of your stack is on the line. on the other hand, when it puts you that much closer to a lock on the win, maybe this outweighs everything else?
i wish some experienced big tourney players posted here (like barry, doyle or sirwatts) so we could get their insights into the thinking behind this call and whether mikey is a sheer genius or just dumb lucky.
p.s. jimmy, i looked up the hand history to confirm the blinds and antes. ept dortmund.
EPT Dortmund Live Updates - Dortmund EPT Live Updates - Live Updates From EPT Dortmund - Poker Verdict . oh yea, and my numbers may be off a bit because jimmy said the raise was 535k but it may have been 550k, depending on who you believe. it looks like mikey had about 1 mil at that point so this was a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge hand.
p.p.s. i found a post from mikey on a poker forum (where they actually talk about poker!) saying those chip counts are incorrect and the raise was only about 370k. that changes things dramatically, of course...