pokerJAH;244676 wrotewell I guess I have to take this comment back. First time I can recall ever folding a set on the flop. 22 on a flop of 25s10s. MP raises to $10, followed by $50 re-raise. I flat call hoping original short stack raiser will push for final $70. Before it gets to original raiser, another player pushes all-in for another $85. Original raiser folds and $50 dude thinks and pushes for about $350 more. I have them covered. Never seen this guy push before without a very good hand so my gut tells me better set. Let my $50 investment go. Both guys are on a flush draw (great fold ugh). Spade comes on the river giving one guy the K high flush, and other guy hits a straight flush.
As I was reading this I thought that 34s might be out there. Nice fold.
Considering that, and the slight possibility of over-sets, I think I get away from this.