Mr Love Monkey
Ok, Here is the situation, I am in the BB which is at 400/200. My stack is 8500 in chips. UDG opens for a raise of 1100.
Note: Last time i was in BB UDG opend for same amount, everyone folded to me and I folded A9 off, he showed me A10.
Back to current hand: PLayer 4 who has roughly the same amount of chips as me just calls the raise. Everyone else folds to me. I look at my cards and See AQ off. UDG has 4500 behind him.
My first thought was player 4 was not strong and if I raised he would fold leaving a showdown between me and UDG, or i could call the 1100 more and see a flop 3 ways with position. Personally I wanted it heads up, so I re-raised another 2,500 in chips, Commiting UDG if he wanted to call, that he was going to push the rest making it 4500 total. Thats exactley what happend, and player 4 folded. Back to me for the rest.
At this time now im worried about AA KK QQ or AK, if he never had those hands then its still a coinflip because he has to have a pocket pair. Its to late now iv made my move and forced to call. He shows 44, I missed the flop hit an open ended str8 draw on the turn and missed the river, Dumping the Majourity of my chips and cripeling myself.
Just want to know if i should of called since i had position, or was putting the pressure on UDG to commit all of his chips and getting player 4 to fold getting a heads up showdown the right play.
Cheers Mr Love Monkey
I think you got him to do exactly what you wanted him to do, and based on his actions I would put him on that kind of a hand exactly. Its about 50/50 at that point, so based on your play that was the right thing to do.
Do I like that you committed half your stack with AQ? I think the isolation with that hand was a good play, but if you had have also just called the raise preflop it would have made it hard for player 4 to stay in the hand, and you would probably have been able to outplay him there (hoping that the other player didn't hit big ;)).
Were there just 3 of you left?
If so, I would say that yes, this was the right move, in my opinion. I would have done the same to try to get the other guy out of the hand. I was putting the guy on A or K with a med to low kicker though. I figured, by the sound of him, he would have raised more with a pair, even if it were low.
If you had 4 or more playing in a tournament still, I would have probably folded to the raise. At that point I feel that saving chips is better than gaining.
push > fold > call
calling there is such a mistake... pushing is the answer, I wouldn't re-raise it's pointless at that point.