I was looking for some opinions on opponents who repeatedly go all-in as the hourly deadline for the next online tournament nears and they go for broke to win big or bust out in time to play in the next tournament.
Someone eventually has to take on a player like this in a tournament. I was curious about whether people liked to take the opportunity to try to take this person's chips or sit back and let others take the risk.
Hellmuth's Mole
If you get a monster play it. You can also assume his starting range is weak so you can lower your acceptable starter as well. Just remember it's gambooooling.
I think you just need to wait for a quality hand and take them on (given that there aren't too many people behind you). Like hellmuth's mole said, his starting range is gonna be pretty weak, so chances are that a decent starting hand will be favorite.
Every situation is different. Depends on the cutoff to the money, your chip stack, the blinds, and position. If you really factor all these in, the option should be quite clear.
If you know they are going all-in with almost any two you adjust you calling range.
Say normally you would all call a push with AK-AA or KK, but if this player is shoving then you can start calling him with weaker hands that you normally wouldn't call a shove with say pocket Pairs 9 and up or Any Ace down to 8 and maybe a few K-Q and K-J.
The other way is to trap him if he is shoving on limps by limping with a Big hand (AA-KK) and then have him shove only to have you re-shove on him (especially is any one limped or called in-between.)
Flames fan88
Yep I had this once in a tournement too. Guy kept going all in and finally I called him after like 15 hands of folding I had ace jack and wouldnt you know it he turns over pocket aces.