InsaneGuy;156242 wrotehe was an intellipoker guy if that tells you anything :)
I put him on AK, didnt see him play alot table just got together... folded and got the ticket but I really wanted to make the call, good decision in the long run, not sure if that's being result oriented though
I made it my life's work to make all those intellipoker guys feel my wrath. They are all horrid.
Since its a satellite seat I muck my hand here...but you are probably good 95% of the time...the range here is small pair to AK at most.
Congrats on the seat.
On a side note I played with a bunch of those Intellipoker guys at the lower limit SNGs and collusion is rampant with some of them. We were final 3 and 2 were intellipoker with the blinds 200-400 the short stack called basically leaving himself 1400 chips and they checked it down to the river where the short stack bet out the min and the other player folded.
After the small stack took a pot off of me (he is now the big stack) and now the other intellipoker player is short (at this point I am at around 5000 and the other two are at around 4000 and 2000....) The large stack completes the blind and proceeds to check down A6 suited against the short stack who shows Q7 off.....
A6 is definitely at shove against a short stack with blinds and antes like this. I complained in the chat box and I am in the process of pulling the hand history to verify the collusion throughout the tourney.
Didn't really matter at the end as I finished first but at the same time its not fair to less knowledgeable players at that level.