I guess it depends on a few things. It is 3 handed, you have to have chips to survive. You can fold and hope the guy with the small stack goes out. Or you can push yourself either on the button or when he is the bb. You are the one who has to dictate play and take a stand.
I would like to know how many times you folded before you decided to take a stand and what the blinds were. Why do you say he is a donk?
Prophet 22
PS Pushing all-in every hand doesn't make.
Flames fan88;155690 wroteIm playing a Sit n go on pokerstars, 6.50 Buy in. 3 people left
I have 4500 in chips or so
Other guy has 4400
Other guy has around 1400
The donk with 4400 goes all in every hand continuously. I keep folding but after he does it for awhile I call with ace jack. Wouldnt you know it he has pocket aces. Stupid luck for me but how would of you played it?